Friday, April 16, 2010

This used to be a TURTLENECK shirt... uh huh... really....

The knot in front is made from the SLEEVES of the turtleneck.
The strap around the neck is from the NECK of the turtleneck.
Meagan stole it from me and wore it to school the day after I made it, I wonder if they would have guessed that it was an OLD turtleneck shirt?? ;)
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Some of my March Projects....

I finally made curtains for my bedroom! It's about time... looks a lot nicer now!

This is the quilt I am working on for my niece... I ran into some snags along the way and it is taking a lot longer than I would have liked (I ran over a safety pin and have had to take apart and clean out the undercarriage (where the bobbin is)... but the thread has been breaking and just causing general frustration for me! Ugh!
My first attempts at stippling.
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