Thursday, February 18, 2010

Another side craft that I enjoy...

White bread recipe with a big handful of flax seeds thrown in... yummy!
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

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Dennis and his Christmas Sweater...

Talitha wore it for about a month and then sent it to him... so it is well worked in! Should keep him warm!

This is Dennis... my soon-to-be Son-In-Law! Whoot Whoot... welcome to the family Dennis! We love you!
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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Works in progress....

I have been working on a few things... soon I will post some pictures of works in progress and then of course when they are completed.  I have 2 nieces who are having children this spring... so I am working on some things for them.

This last week has been a busy one trying to get Pete all packed up and ready to head west to find work, but now that he is away I will be able to get a lot more accomplished in the area of crafts.  It should help to keep my mind off of the fact that he is gone.

Keep your eyes open for some posts of pictures in the near future!  Looking forward to see how these next 2 projects turn out... it's my FIRST time quilting so it should be interesting.
